Our Centre’s Research.
It all begins with an idea.

Dr. Luke Witherspoon is a principal investigator at the University of Ottawa in the Division of Urology.

His research includes both laboratory and clinical-based research. He works to understand the molecular and genetic mechanisms of male factor infertility, erectile dysfunction, and Peyronie’s disease.

His research program is supported by numerous national and international medical granting agencies.

Recent Research Articles:

Fertility After Vasectomy

In this article Dr. Witherspoon discusses various options patients and their partners have following vasectomy. This article serves as a good overview for anyone wanting a more technical discussion of this subject.

Global Decline of Male Fertility

Concerned about news reports that male fertility is decreasing world-wide? In this article Dr. Witherspoon discusses the evidence behind this and whether this is in fact true.

Automated rare sperm identification in mTESE samples using deep learning

In this article Dr. Witherspoon discusses various options patients and their partners have following vasectomy. This article serves as a good overview for anyone wanting a more technical discussion of this subject.

Testosterone use and sperm production

It may sound counterintuitive but supplementing with testosterone can actually reduce your sperm counts. However, a normal level of testosterone is required for normal sperm production. In this article Dr. Witherspoon discusses the physiology involved in the intricate relationship between testosterone and sperm production.

3-dimensional bioprinting testicular tubules

You may have heard of 3D printers capable of printing in plastics or polymers. However, new “bioprinters” exist allowing researchers to print human cells and cellular structures. In this world-wide first report Dr. Witherspoon was part of a team who developed a method for 3D printing testicular tubules, a first step to helping patients who cannot produce sperm on their own, produce it outside the body.

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